Summary Reflections

Day 1
Observing the jet
Different perspectives, Bigger picture
Engineering marvel

Event 2
Transport in Geneva
Different levels of trust in the people

Event 3
Broken Chair in Geneva
Everyone must be bonded and stay together to improve
A timeless message for all to realize
Grateful to the current situation

Day 2
Event 1
Exhibition studio
The science is for public
Public support science to make science flourish
Application of research
Communication in science

Event 2
CERN testing
To accomplish great feats need to put in the effort
Event 3
The first collider was good visual
Creative and innovative
Though project
Learned to be innovative and creative

Day 3
Event 1
Real and Fake
Some people who still wear polished clothes begging
The difference creates a lot of prejudice against the beggars
The people might think that the real ones might be fake
We should appreciate people in Singapore who do not beg and find alternative livelihood
Political Refugees
Event 2
There should be a balance of nature and technology
Nice trip
The fog was quite low
Mesmerized by nature, things we can't see in Singapore
Temperate Zone
We should appreciate the four seasons of nature
Event 3
Everlasting flame, in honor of WW1 war heroes
Learned how the symbolism allows people to appreciate the roots
Day 4
Event 1
Science museum saw speed of light in air, reflected that new mechanism was found, different from what was researched, learn that need to plan before execution
Event 2
In Paris, on the streets, I got scolded because I was not listening to instructions. I was too friendly with the people around me and did not think carefully about my duty as a student. Thus, I learned that I would need to exercise logic to think carefully through my actions and think of the possible consequences. As well as to maintain discipline wherever I go as my actions hurt not only me but the school pride and the people around me.
Mr Tan’s duty is to take care of the safety of Shiyu, which Shiyu ignored.
Event 3
Enjoying the view is important
Learning to appreciate the surroundings
A balance is needed.

Day 5
Event 1
Dropping empty drink packet in the feet of the Statue of Liberty
Should be aware of the situation: spatial awareness
e.g. Naythan drop water bottle should have observed and learned
e.g. Almost fell in Metro
e.g. Naythan left clock behind after being told not to forget
e.g. Shiyu Dropped beanie
The traveler needs to be Mentally Present
Event 2
Journey very valuable
Scolded each other
There were squabbles over the bigger issue
Commitments and Communications = Collaboration
Collaboration is not about divide and conquer but with also check backs and trying to strive towards initial goals 
Not about awards
Awards aren't the focus
Effort is primary
Event 3
Science museum
Concepts had been developed from the past
How we all strive towards improvement in life
Concepts should be developed further in future
Education is important to nurture more engineers and innovators

“5 days at overseas learning trip = 500 days at Normal school lessons” - Mr Tan
Experiential Based
Enjoy Learning in Outdoors
Observe and Innovate
Observation key to learning

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