Day 1
We were eating lunch together and were chatting about various topics. I felt happy and comfortable to be with
my friends and mentor and to laugh together throughout the day. This showed me the importance of relationships.
Relationships can bring many benefits: It makes you feel happy, not so lonely, as well as gives you support when
all is lost. From this, I learned to try my best to maintain positive relationships and avoid making enemies.
my friends and mentor and to laugh together throughout the day. This showed me the importance of relationships.
Relationships can bring many benefits: It makes you feel happy, not so lonely, as well as gives you support when
all is lost. From this, I learned to try my best to maintain positive relationships and avoid making enemies.
We were at the lake in Geneva where a large artificial water jet was constructed. We were curious about the
the water jet and wanted to find more about it, so we ran forward towards the water jet to take a closer look.
We were very close to the jet and heavy mist bombarded us and we were freezing with both wind and water
blowing at us at a temperature of about 10 degrees. But I felt that it was worth the fun and excitement I got
through the process of finding and discovering more. I have learned to move forward and embrace curiosity,
although to know my limits (safety, etc.).
the water jet and wanted to find more about it, so we ran forward towards the water jet to take a closer look.
We were very close to the jet and heavy mist bombarded us and we were freezing with both wind and water
blowing at us at a temperature of about 10 degrees. But I felt that it was worth the fun and excitement I got
through the process of finding and discovering more. I have learned to move forward and embrace curiosity,
although to know my limits (safety, etc.).

I was about to get off the boat in the lake in Geneva when a stranger reminded me that I had dropped my cap.
I felt unaware as I did not see my hat drop. I realized that my spacial awareness was very bad. Thus, I would
make an effort to improve it.
I felt unaware as I did not see my hat drop. I realized that my spacial awareness was very bad. Thus, I would
make an effort to improve it.
Day 2
Image 1: In Switzerland, Geneva, in the evening, I was at a Swiss knife shop to buy a Swiss knife as a gift.
As shown in the photo, the knife had many tools and cost around $450 Swiss franc. I thought about it as I
looked at it in its beautifully designed display box. I thought that it was not worth it at all, as the thickness
of the knife would make the knife very hard to use unless the user is already very familiar with the knife.
Furthermore, the many tools on the knife would not be needed in our daily lives. I concluded that the knife was
suited for professionals and is not for a gift. Thus, I learned that not everything that looks good is good, and
not everything that is expensive is good. I would need to evaluate my choices based on the usefulness and
not be blinded by these factors.

In Switzerland, Geneva, I was walking with the group to eat dinner. As shown in the photo, there were protests going on outside a building. I thought that the thing that they were doing would not benefit them in any way,
but would only bring themselves harm if they were caught. Not only that, they were ruining the shop that owns
the building’s business, which brings harm to others. Thus, I learned that I need to have a clear logic and conscience,
to see the bigger picture and act wisely.

Image 3:
In Switzerland/France, CERN, I was in the complex and was observing it. I saw the many parts of the particle
accelerator and discovered the amount of work needed to make such a project possible. The multi-million dollar
project took years to construct and had its components constructed all around the world to be sent to the area.
Not only that, every part must be tested to see if it works. The picture shows testing equipment in the testing
facility. I thought me to achieve great things, people must put in a great effort.
In Paris, under a famous arch that was built to remember the people from WW1, there was a fireplace
in which burns an “everlasting flame”. It symbolizes that the people who died during WW1 would always live on just like the flame. When I saw that, it struck me on how a simple symbolism like this can strike deep
in people’s hearts. From this, I learned that although artifacts might be “useless”, its presence is important as
it helps us to remember our roots.

Image 2:
Paris, at the train station, there was no barrier to prevent people from
falling down into the train track, which was very different from that of
Singapore. I then realized that I should not take the comfort of the safety of
Singapore for granted and need to be alert at all times so ensure my safety. As
it is not everywhere that it is so safe.

In Paris, on a famous arch that was built to remember the people from the french revolution, I saw 12 big lanes leading towards us. It struck me that this was something like a CBD. I learned that communication is very important
to society and only with it society can progress.

Image 1:
In Paris, in a science museum, I was visiting a spy exhibition. There I learned more about spies and their life,
there what seemed like a cool job title to me became less appealing. A spy carries heavy responsibility on his/her
shoulders as it would affect the political decisions of the government, which shows the heavy commitment behind
the scenes. Thus, I learned that nothing comes free.

In Paris, in a science museum, I was visiting a physics exhibition. There I saw a
project regarding measuring the speed of light in air. At the same time, I had
uptaken an ongoing project regarding the measurement of the speed of light in
water and have reached a dead-end in my project (I have encountered a problem
that would not be solved easily). When I saw the experimental setup, I knew
that it was one of the setups I saw on the internet. But another thing I saw
was the use of complex equipment, and complicated concepts. When I looked it up
on the internet I thought everything would be easy but now it would seem
otherwise. I would think that I would now have to do an extremely though
project in a short time. I learned that I should plan carefully before executing

Image 3: In Paris, on the streets, I got scolded because I was not listening to instructions. I was too friendly
with the people around me and did not think carefully about my duty as a student. Thus, I learned that I would
need to exercise logic to think carefully through my actions and think of the possible consequences.
As well as to maintain discipline where ever I go as my actions hurt not only me but the school pride and
the people around me.

Image 1:
In Paris, at the Eiffel tower, I saw a pully-system based elevator. I reflected that this trip truly allowed me to
appreciate the science behind everyday things. Letting me learn more about them. Thus, I learned to appreciate
the science we have in the most basic things today and be curious about them.

Image 2:
Paris, at the Eiffel tower, I saw my teacher holding my friend because he tried
to climb on a structure. There was a sign saying that no climbing was allowed.
I reflected on the incident the previous day and released that my teacher
(Mr. Tan) acted out of his duty as a teacher as well. This incident again
emphasizes the importance of safety and to be considerate to the teachers.
Image 3:

Paris, at a science museum, I accidentally dropped an empty drink packet onto
an elevated platform in the museum and couldn’t retrieve it. I reflected that
it was the result of my lack of spatial awareness (being blur). I learned to
take preventive measures to prevent such incidents from happening and to be
more alert.
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